Romance Tip 05
- Make an online
inspiration album.
Inspiration boards have been popular for a few decades now. However websites
like pinterest have taken them to a new level. Inspiration boards are fantastic
for motivating you to achieve your goals, not to mention they are great for
really focusing you on what those goals are. If you’re saving for a holiday to
New Zealand and you have a board dedicated to photos of all the places you want
to visit, looking at those photos will strengthen your resolve NOT to buy that
cute $40 skirt, or even just that $3 candy bar.
Daydreaming is romantic too. You can dedicate a board to
arts and craft projects to make your house more beautiful, and once a fortnight
you can choose one and tackle it. (First for me? Jewellery hangers/organisers!)
Or you can create a garden album and do the same. You can plan your dream
wedding too, just don’t show it to potential partners until they really, really
like you. Or, you can simply use them to visualise the life you want for
yourself: a loving husband or wife, children, hundreds of cats, a horse ranch,
a trendy artist’s loft, owning a cafe in Paris—whatever it is you want for
yourself, visualising it will not only make you feel happy, but will make you
more likely to take steps toward making it happen.
Dating? Create a profile
as a couple, not as an add on to something else. Your partner is not just
another board on your pinterest account! You want your inspiration album to be
about the things you want as a couple—not just one of you agreeing to the other’s
dreams. You might not want exactly the same things, so it’s important to focus
on the dreams you share.
If you both want a baby and awesome geeky baby things, like
dinosaur pyjamas and mad scientist building blocks, make a board for that.
However you also might want to make a board for holidays you’d both like to
take, or activities you both love. Inspiration boards are great for planning
weddings, or decorating houses together. Choose a topic that works for both of
you as a couple, thinking about the things that brought, and keep, you
Remember! Technically,
pinterest and other online gallery websites are on shaky legal ground. Even
though it’s frowned on for people to upload their own images to pinterest, the
terms and conditions actually state that you should have permission to pin or
re-pin any images you use. If someone asks you to take down one of their
photos, you are obliged to do so and if you really love certain images, I
suggest stashing them in your hard drive somewhere, as they could vanish into
the ether at any time.
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